Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Good night readers,

 I was thinking which topic could I choose to make a graphic for the blog, and meanwhile the ideas didn't come to my head, I was in facebook.


That's why I choose this theme. A lot of population is really addict to facebook and this supposes a problem. I'm not addict to it, but I admit that If I had enough time to be lots of hours in facebook, probably I would be an addict also.

 In USA more than a 48% of the people admits to be "addicted" to it, the big majority of them are under the 25 years... this is really sad.

Ignoring the crude reality of this topic, I'm going to centre the explanation on the graphic. It's probable that when you look at it you only see the logo with the middle of the words in white, but this is not an error, this is called an infographic.

The middle part in blue represents the percent of people addicted to facebook in America (48%) which is almost at the middle portion of the letters.

By this simple way, we can make us an idea of which percent of population is the one which is addicted, and the other one that don't (52%).

This graphic like the one related to the meat consumption and the ones that would appear on the blog are made with the inDesign programme. (Really useful!)



This graphic is related to the meat consumption around the world.

This purpose of this graphic is to explain how is divided the meat consumption between the 5 continents, that's the reason why I chose one significative country of every continent.

The tho countries withe the higher meat consumption in the world are New Zealand (142,1 Kg) in Oceania and Canada (108,1 Kg) in North America.  

Spain and Argentina are the third one which meat consumption is really high, but, is not really significative. I wanted to centre this graphic on the two big potencies related to the meat consumption.

In China and Ghana, the meat consumption is really low because of the poverty. Ghana is a really poor country and China is not as poor as Ghana but is a little poor also.

The evolution is to increase in the majority of the countries, since 1962 to 2002.
More graphics soon!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Just for start...

Good afternoon readers,

This is my new blog, the purpose of it, is to put there all the graphics that my classmates and me were doing in class, and improve our marks with your comments and help advices.

In Graphical design classes we did some exercises about different types of designing texts and other types of graphics like pie charts, columns, bars, bubbles, tables, etc. Always with the purpose of making an infographic.

I'm going to explain as good as I can every infographic upload in this blog, I hope that you like it!