Wednesday, December 19, 2012


This graphic is related to the meat consumption around the world.

This purpose of this graphic is to explain how is divided the meat consumption between the 5 continents, that's the reason why I chose one significative country of every continent.

The tho countries withe the higher meat consumption in the world are New Zealand (142,1 Kg) in Oceania and Canada (108,1 Kg) in North America.  

Spain and Argentina are the third one which meat consumption is really high, but, is not really significative. I wanted to centre this graphic on the two big potencies related to the meat consumption.

In China and Ghana, the meat consumption is really low because of the poverty. Ghana is a really poor country and China is not as poor as Ghana but is a little poor also.

The evolution is to increase in the majority of the countries, since 1962 to 2002.
More graphics soon!


  1. I like your graphic! Is very interesting and the colours selected are, in my opinion,very good chosen!

  2. Cool graphic, actually a colorful one. You can see clearly what's the evolution of the tendency.

  3. Thank you all for your advices, are really useful to continue improving my knowledge of graphis design!

  4. I also think that the colours have an important role of the graphic.

  5. I think it is a quite nice and easy understandable idea to transmit the message of increasing meat consumption. Perhaps it would be funny to package the different layers in a kind of "hamburger design": the six countries of the five continents (the title actually is a little bit confusing, because you mention single countries but not the meat consumption of the whole continent) are the different meat patties.
